What is Webflow?

Webflow is an all-in-one web design and development platform that combines a visual design interface with powerful content management and hosting capabilities. It enables users to build professional, responsive websites without extensive coding knowledge. Our guide explains what sets Webflow apart and shows how to build a site using this powerful CMS.

According to BuiltWith, over 562,907 websites are built on Webflow, and yours could be next! Webflow stands out for its unique combination of visual design capabilities, robust content management, and flexible hosting solutions. 

Unlike traditional CMS platforms that often require significant coding knowledge and technical expertise, Webflow empowers users to create professional, dynamic websites through an intuitive visual interface. This means you can focus more on creativity and less on wrestling with code.

This article will delve into everything you need to know about Webflow. From its core features and benefits to practical tips for getting started, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand and make the most of this innovative tool. By the end, you'll have a clear picture of how Webflow can fit into your web design workflow.

What We’re Covering in This Article

  1. What is Webflow? 
  2. Key Features of Webflow
  3. Who is Webflow For?
  4. How Much Does Webflow Cost?
  5. Getting Started with Webflow
  6. Advanced Features and Customization
  7. Pros and Cons of Using Webflow
  8. Webflow's Community and Support

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based website design and development platform that allows users to create visually responsive websites without extensive coding knowledge. Think of it as a powerful hybrid between a visual design tool and a robust content management system (CMS). 

Unlike traditional web development environments that often require a deep understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Webflow provides an intuitive interface where you can design and develop simultaneously without writing a single line of code.

Webflow focuses on the following development process:


Sitemap, Customer Journey Map (CJM), and Wireframe

Start your development process by creating a Sitemap to identify the required pages and information architecture (IA) of your website. 

Next, develop a CJM to identify key touchpoints and understand the user’s experience from start to end. 

Next, create a wireframe of your website. This is a detailed visualization of your site’s layout that focuses on functionality and layout and includes elements like navigation, content categories and calls to action (CTAs). 


Building the Website with the What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Editor

Once the CJM and wireframe are complete, you can build your website using Webflow’s WYSIWYG editor. 

  • Visual Design: Webflow’s visual editor includes drag-and-drop elements like text, images, and buttons. You can also style them with Webflow’s design tools to see your designs update in real time.
  • Creating Layouts: Use Webflow’s Flexbox and Grid features to create responsive layouts that adjust across different screen sizes. 
  • Dynamic Content: Collections in Webflow’s CMS for dynamic content such as blogs or portfolios. This enables you to define custom content types - making it easy to manage and display custom dynamic content.


Quality Assurance (QA), Responsiveness Testing, and Speed Testing

Testing is a key step to ensure that it functions as intended and delivers a smooth user experience.

  • Quality Assurance (QA): A comprehensive QA should be done to check for issues or any bugs. Be sure to test all of your website’s interactive elements, like links and forms, to ensure they work as you intend.
  • Responsiveness Testing: Webflow’s preview mode can help you test your website’s responsiveness. As of 2024, it has been reported that 60.67% of website traffic comes from mobile phones. Because of this, it is more important than ever to ensure the layout of your site adapts correctly to various devices and screen sizes - including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. 
  • Speed Testing: Optimize your site for speed by minimizing heavy scripts, compressing images, and using tools like Google PageSpeed. This allows you to test functions like page load times. 


Launching Your Website

Once the website testing is complete, publish your website using Webflow’s staging subdomain (e.g., yoursite.webflow.io). This allows you to preview your site before going live. If you have a custom domain, this is where you can connect your website to your domain.

Key Features of Webflow

Webflow is packed with features designed to empower users to create visually stunning and highly functional websites. Here's a more in-depth look at some of its key features:

Visual Design and Development

  • Visual Builder: Webflow offers a drag-and-drop interface for designing websites visually. This means users can see the changes they make in real-time without writing code.
  • Customizable Elements: Users can drag in unstyled HTML elements and fully customize them, including creating reusable components like footers and nav bars.
  • CSS Control: Full control over CSS properties is provided, allowing users to create and manage styles efficiently. Changes can be cascaded across the site using a class system.

Content Management System (CMS)

  • Dynamic Content: Webflow's CMS allows users to create content-rich pages by pulling live content into any page. This makes it easy to add or edit content over time.
  • Templates and Themes: Users can access multiple themes and templates that can be customized to fit specific needs.

Animations and Interactions

  • Complex Animations: Users can design scroll-based and multi-step interactions and work with various file types without coding, such as Spline, 3D, Lottie, and dotLottie.

Hosting and SEO

  • Integrated Hosting: Webflow provides high-performance hosting integrated with the platform, minimizing maintenance and maximizing reliability.
  • SEO Optimization: The platform includes tools to optimize SEO, helping improve site discoverability.

Collaboration and Scalability

  • Collaboration Tools: Advanced roles and permissions, page branching, and other collaboration features help teams work together more effectively.
  • Scalability: Webflow is designed to scale with business needs, making it suitable for everything from small personal projects to large enterprise websites.

Who Is Webflow For?

Webflow’s versatility makes it an excellent choice for many users. Here’s a closer look at who can benefit the most from using Webflow.


For designers, Webflow is a dream come true. It allows them to bring their creative visions to life without delving into code.

  • Benefits for Designers Without Coding Knowledge: Webflow’s visual editor lets designers focus on a site's aesthetics and user experience. They can create complex layouts, animations, and interactions without writing a single line of code. This eliminates the need to hand off designs to developers for implementation, ensuring that the final product matches their vision.
  • Design Freedom: Designers have complete control over every design aspect, from typography and colors to layout and animations. Webflow’s tools allow for pixel-perfect precision, ensuring the design looks and behaves exactly as intended across all devices.


Developers can also find significant value in Webflow, particularly in how it streamlines the workflow between design and development.

  • Enhanced Workflow for Developers: Webflow automatically generates clean, semantic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from the visual designs. This means developers can skip the tedious task of converting static designs into code, allowing them to focus on more complex functionality and customizations. For developers who prefer to write code, Webflow also supports custom code integration, offering the best of both worlds.
  • Efficiency and Speed: By using Webflow, developers can drastically reduce the time it takes to go from concept to launch.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

For entrepreneurs and business owners, Webflow offers a cost-effective and efficient way to establish a professional online presence.

  • Building Professional Sites Without a Large Budget: Traditional web development often requires hiring designers and developers, which can be expensive. Webflow allows business owners to create high-quality websites without needing a large team. This is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses that must carefully manage their budgets.
  • Quick Iterations and Updates: Webflow’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for business owners to update their sites without technical expertise. This means they can quickly adapt to changes in their business, launch new products, and keep their content fresh.

Agencies and Freelancers

Agencies and freelancers can leverage Webflow to efficiently deliver high-quality websites to their clients.

  • Offering Webflow as a Service: Agencies and freelancers can use Webflow to create custom websites for their clients quickly and effectively. The platform’s flexibility allows them to handle various projects, from simple landing pages to complex e-commerce sites.
  • Client Collaboration: Webflow’s collaborative features enable designers, developers, and clients to work together seamlessly. Clients can provide feedback directly on the designs, ensuring that the final product meets their needs and expectations.

How Much Does Webflow Cost?

Webflow offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. Here’s a breakdown of the main plans:

It is important to note that a functional Webflow website typically requires both a site and a workspace plan. Depending on the provider, domain costs are separate and can range from less than $1 to $30 per month.

Getting Started with Webflow

Here’s a guide to help you get started, from setting up your account to creating your first site.

Setting Up an Account

Getting started with Webflow begins with creating an account. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Webflow Website: Go to Webflow.com and click the “Get Started” button.
  2. Sign Up: You can sign up using your email address, Google account, or Webflow-specific login. Fill in the necessary details, and you’re ready to go.
  3. Choose a Plan: Webflow offers various plans, including a free starter plan that allows you to explore its features. Depending on your needs, you can choose from site, account, and e-commerce plans. Each plan comes with different features and capabilities.

Overview of the Dashboard

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll be greeted by the Webflow dashboard. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Projects Panel: This is where all your Webflow projects are listed. You can create new projects, open existing ones, and manage project settings.
  • Templates and Resources: Webflow offers a range of templates to get you started. You can browse these templates based on your project needs, such as portfolios, business websites, or e-commerce stores.
  • Account Settings: Manage your account details, subscription plans, billing information, and team settings here.

Basic Walkthrough of Creating a Simple Site

Creating your first site on Webflow is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a New Project:
  • Click on the “New Project” button in the Projects Panel.
  • You can choose a template or start from a blank canvas. For beginners, starting with a template can be helpful, as it provides a structured starting point.
  1. Choosing a Template:
  • Webflow’s template library offers a variety of designs. Select a template that fits the purpose of your site. You can preview templates to see their design and features before making a choice.
  1. Customizing the Design:
  • Editing Text and Images: Click on any text or image element to edit it. You can change text content, replace images, and adjust styles directly in the visual editor.
  • Adding New Elements: Use the Add Panel on the left side of the screen to drag and drop new elements onto your page. This can include headings, paragraphs, images, buttons, and more.
  • Styling Elements: Select an element to open the Style Panel, where you can customize its appearance. Adjust font size, color, padding, and margins to match your design vision.
  1. Adding Content:
  • Content Management: Webflow’s CMS features allow you to define content types and add content items for sites needing dynamic content, such as blogs or portfolios. This can include blog posts, product listings, or portfolio projects.
  • Content Binding: Bind your CMS content to design elements. For example, you can link a blog post’s title field to a heading component of your design, ensuring that the correct content appears in the right place.
  1. Previewing and Publishing:

  • Preview Mode: Use the preview mode to see how your site will look on different devices. Webflow lets you preview your design on desktop, tablet, and mobile views.
  • Publishing Your Site: Once you’re satisfied with your design, click the “Publish” button to make your site live. Webflow offers hosting, or you can export your code to host it elsewhere.

Advanced Features and Customization

As you become more comfortable with Webflow, you can use its advanced features and customization options to create more sophisticated and dynamic websites. Here’s a deeper dive into what Webflow offers beyond the basics.

Custom Interactions and Animations

  • Custom Interactions: Webflow allows users to create complex animations and interactions without writing code. This includes hover effects, scroll-based animations, and multi-step interactions.
  • 3D Animations: With the integration of Spline, users can add and animate 3D objects directly within Webflow.

Advanced Layout Techniques

  • Flexbox and Grid Layouts: Webflow provides advanced layout options using Flexbox and CSS Grid, allowing for precise control over the positioning and alignment of elements.
  • Custom CSS Properties: Users can now utilize CSS properties and values to create more intricate designs.

Dynamic Data and Conditional Visibility

  • CMS Collections: Webflow's CMS allows for creating dynamic content that can be reused across multiple pages. This is particularly useful for blogs, portfolios, and e-commerce sites.
  • Conditional Visibility: This feature enables users to show or hide elements based on specific conditions, making it easier to create personalized user experiences.

Multi-step Forms and Complex Form Handling

  • Advanced Forms: Webflow supports the creation of multi-step forms and complex form handling, which can be helpful for surveys, registrations, and lead generation.

Custom Code Integration

  • Custom Code: Users can add custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to their Webflow projects, allowing for greater flexibility and the ability to integrate third-party services.
  • Code Block Element: The new code block element allows for the easy display of language-specific code snippets on any page.

API Integrations

  • Webflow APIs: Webflow offers several APIs, including the Component Designer API, Variables Designer API, and Localization API, which allow developers to build powerful integrations and custom functionalities.

Localization and Multi-language Support

  • Localization: Webflow now supports localization, enabling users to create multi-language sites and customize content for different regions.

Enhanced Collaboration Tools

  • Branching and Version Control: Webflow has introduced branching capabilities, allowing teams to work on different versions of a site simultaneously and merge changes seamlessly.
  • Commenting and Editing Roles: New roles for content editing and commenting improve collaboration within teams, making managing feedback and content updates easier.

Design System and Component Management

  • Design System Variables: Users can define and manage design system variables, such as colors, fonts, and sizes, to ensure consistency across their projects.
  • Component Properties Grouping: Grouping component properties makes navigating and managing complex designs more accessible.

Integration with Other Platforms

  • Third-party Integrations: To extend its functionality, Webflow can be integrated with various third-party platforms, including email marketing services, CRM systems, and social media platforms.

Pros and Cons of Using Webflow

Webflow is a robust platform that combines visual design, development, and hosting into one cohesive tool. And while Webflow offers many advantages, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons to determine if it’s the right fit for your web design and development needs.

Pros of Using Webflow

Visual Design and Development

  • Intuitive Visual Editor: Webflow’s visual editor allows users to design and develop websites simultaneously, providing a true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) experience. This makes it accessible for designers who may not have extensive coding knowledge.
  • Real-Time Changes: Users can see changes in real-time, which speeds up the design process and ensures that the final product matches the initial vision.

Time Efficiency

  • Streamlined Workflow: The integrated design and development workflow reduces the time required to go from concept to launch. This is especially beneficial for projects with tight deadlines.
  • Pre-built Components: Webflow offers a variety of pre-built components and templates that can be customized, saving time on familiar elements like navigation bars, forms, and sliders.

Powerful Features

  • CMS and E-commerce: Webflow’s CMS allows for dynamic content management, while its e-commerce capabilities enable users to build and manage online stores easily.
  • Hosting and SEO Tools: Webflow provides fast, reliable hosting and built-in SEO tools, helping users optimize their sites for search engines and improve performance.

Flexibility and Customization

  • Custom Code Integration: Users can add custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering the flexibility to extend Webflow’s functionality to meet specific needs.
  • Responsive Design: Webflow’s design tools make creating responsive websites that look great on all devices easy.

Community and Support

  • Webflow University: A comprehensive library of tutorials and courses helps users learn how to use the platform effectively.
  • Active Community: The Webflow community is supportive and engaged, offering forums, show-and-tell sections, and access to Webflow experts for professional assistance.

Cons of Using Webflow

Learning Curve

  • Initial Complexity: While Webflow is designed to be user-friendly, there is still a learning curve, especially for those new to web design or accustomed to more straightforward website builders.
  • Advanced Features: Mastering advanced features like interactions, animations, and the CMS requires time and practice.

Pricing Structure

  • Subscription Fees: Webflow operates on a subscription basis, which can be a consideration for budget-conscious users. Multiple projects can lead to higher costs.
  • Additional Costs: Features like e-commerce functionality and hosting come with extra fees. Evaluating whether these costs align with your budget and needs is important.

Customization Limits

  • Plugin Ecosystem: Compared to platforms like WordPress, Webflow has a smaller ecosystem of third-party plugins and extensions. This means users may need to rely on custom code for specific functionalities.
  • Backend Customization: While Webflow’s CMS is powerful, it doesn’t offer the same level of backend customization as traditional CMS platforms. This can be a limitation for projects requiring extensive backend development.
  • Limited E-commerce Features: While Webflow does offer e-commerce functionality, it's not as robust as dedicated e-commerce platforms, lacking features like abandoned cart recovery or extensive payment gateway options.

Hosting Dependencies

  • Hosting Lock-In: Webflow’s hosting is integrated, so moving your site to a different hosting provider can be challenging. Dynamic content and CMS functionalities are not included in code exports.
  • Geographical Limitations: Webflow’s hosting infrastructure may not be as geographically diverse as other hosting providers, potentially impacting performance for sites targeting specific regions.

Webflow's Community and Support

One of Webflow’s standout features is its vibrant community and comprehensive support resources. Whether you’re starting out or looking to refine your skills, the Webflow community and support system can provide invaluable assistance and inspiration.

Webflow University

Webflow University is an extensive educational resource designed to help users of all levels master the platform.

  • Tutorials and Courses: Webflow University offers many tutorials and courses covering everything from basic site building to advanced animations and interactions. These resources are presented in an easy-to-follow format, with video lessons that provide step-by-step guidance.
  • Documentation: Detailed documentation is available for all of Webflow’s features. This can be particularly useful when understanding specific functionalities or troubleshooting issues.
  • Webinars and Workshops: Webflow regularly hosts live webinars and workshops that explore various web design and development aspects. These sessions are an excellent opportunity to learn from experts and ask questions in real-time.

Forums and Community Support

The Webflow community is active and supportive, making it a valuable resource for users at any stage of their journey.

  • Community Forums: The Webflow forums are where users can ask questions, share tips, and showcase their work. The forums are divided into various categories, making finding relevant discussions easy and connecting with other users who share your interests.
  • Show & Tell: This section of the forums allows users to share their projects and get feedback from the community. It’s a great way to gain inspiration and learn from the work of others.
  • Problem-Solving: If you encounter an issue or have a question, the forums are an excellent place to find answers. Experienced users and Webflow staff frequently participate in discussions, providing insights and solutions.

Webflow Experts and Freelancers

Webflow offers a network of certified experts and freelancers for projects requiring specialized expertise.

  • Webflow Experts Program: The Webflow Experts program connects users with professional designers and developers who Webflow has vetted. These experts can provide various services, from custom site design and development to consulting and training.
  • Hiring Freelancers: Besides the Experts program, you can find freelancers with Webflow experience on various freelance platforms. Hiring a freelancer can be a cost-effective way to get professional assistance with your project.

Customer Support

Webflow’s customer support team is available to help with any issues.

  • Email Support: You can email Webflow’s support team for assistance with technical issues, billing questions, and other concerns. The support team is known for being responsive and helpful.
  • Help Center: The Webflow Help Center is a comprehensive resource with articles and guides on a wide range of topics. It’s a great first stop for troubleshooting and learning more about the platform.

Whether you’re looking for educational content, peer support, or professional services, Webflow offers a comprehensive support ecosystem to help you achieve your goals.


Webflow is a transformative tool that combines visual design, content management, and hosting into one seamless platform. Its unique capabilities make it a compelling choice for many users, from designers and developers to entrepreneurs and agencies.

Recap of Key Points

  • What is Webflow? Webflow is an all-in-one web design and development platform that allows users to visually design, build, and launch responsive websites without needing extensive coding knowledge.
  • Key Features: Webflow's powerful features, such as the Visual Design Editor, CMS, e-commerce capabilities, hosting, and SEO tools, enable you to create dynamic and professional websites.
  • Who is Webflow for? Webflow is ideal for designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and agencies. It provides tools for a wide range of users, from beginners to professionals.
  • How Much Does Webflow Cost? Webflow’s pricing plans range from free starter plans to premium subscriptions for individual sites, e-commerce stores, and large enterprises, accommodating various budgets and needs.
  • Getting Started: Starting with Webflow involves creating an account, exploring the user-friendly dashboard, and using templates or the blank canvas to design and publish your first website.
  • Advanced Features and Customization: Webflow's advanced features allow for extensive customization, including custom code integration and dynamic content management, making it suitable for more complex projects.
  • Pros and Cons of Using Webflow: Webflow offers significant benefits such as time efficiency, ease of use, and powerful features, but it also has a learning curve, potential customization limits, and a subscription-based pricing model.
  • Community and Support: Webflow boasts a supportive community and extensive resources, including Webflow University, active forums, expert services, and responsive customer support to help users succeed.

With its blend of visual design tools, robust backend features, and integrated hosting solutions, Webflow provides a comprehensive platform for building and managing websites. Whether you're looking to streamline your design process, build a dynamic content-driven site, or launch an online store, Webflow provides the tools and support you need to bring your web projects to life.


Does Webflow have analytics? 

Webflow does not have native analytics functionality. To get analytics for a Webflow site, you need to integrate with a third-party analytics platform. The most common option is Google Analytics. Webflow provides an easy integration with Google Analytics. You can add your Google Analytics tracking ID in the Webflow dashboard under Project Settings > Integrations.

Is Webflow a CMS?

Yes, Webflow includes a powerful Content Management System (CMS) as part of its web design and development platform. This integrated CMS allows users to create, manage, and organize dynamic content like blog posts, product listings, and team profiles without coding while offering features like custom collections, content templates, and collaborative tools.

Does Webflow host websites?

Yes, Webflow does host websites. Their hosting service includes features such as free SSL certificates, global CDN, automatic backups, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Pricing starts at $14 per month for the Basic plan when billed annually. While Webflow offers a free hosting option on their subdomain for testing and development, users must purchase a site plan to host a live website with a custom domain and access full features.

Can Webflow integrate with Shopify?

Yes, you can use Webflow with Shopify to manage your online store's design and e-commerce functionality.

Here are a couple of ways to integrate the two platforms:

  • Embed Shopify Products: Use Shopify’s Buy Buttons to embed products directly into your Webflow site. This lets you sell products on your Webflow pages while leveraging Shopify’s e-commerce backend.
  • Custom Code: For more advanced integrations, you can use Webflow’s custom code feature to integrate Shopify’s API, enabling deeper and more complex functionalities.

Can you use Webflow with WordPress?

Yes, you can use Webflow's WordPress plugin to build your site visually in Webflow and then serve one or more of those pages directly on your WordPress site. To do this:

  • Download and activate the WordPress plugin on your website. 
  • Navigate to the Settings menu and copy and paste your Webflow project's API key into the relevant field. 
  • Define what Webflow pages you want to serve on your WordPress pages.

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