What is web design? The Ultimate Guide

Your website serves as a digital business card. Learn everything you need to know, from UI/UX design principles to the tools and frameworks that make website design easier.

Since the Internet was made public by CERN in 1993, web design has constantly been an evolving field.

From the early days of text-heavy, color-splashed pages to intricate design ecosystems like Google's Material, the journey has been nothing short of transformative.

Mastering Web design in 2024 requires understanding fundamental design principles, search engine optimization, user experience, and the modern design tools that bring ideas to life.

This guide covers exactly that. We’ll start by discussing the fundamental concepts of web design, standard web design structures and practices, and the essential tools and platforms you need to create stunning websites in 2024.

By the end of this guide, you should be fully equipped with enough knowledge and a roadmap to becoming a master web designer.

With that said,

What is Web Design?

Web design is a specialization of design that deals with the architecture of websites. It involves everything from structure, content, color palettes, interactions, and guiding users through their journey across a website.

When a website is designed right, users can easily understand the information present on its pages and take the desired actions, leading to a seamless and enjoyable experience. A well-designed website attracts and keeps visitors engaged, encouraging longer browsing times and higher conversion rates.

Web design is quite different from other design specializations. Due to the nature of the web, there are rules that a web designer must abide by; for example, when using typography, there’s an accessibility requirement to ensure that text is readable on all viewports.


Also, unlike graphic design, where you have total creative control, there are predefined structures you must include in most web projects to stay compliant; i.e., Headers and Footers are used for navigation and are present in almost every website on the web.

That said, if we define web design, it's crafting the structure and behavior of a website based on existing rules guiding the web. These rules help designers create websites that not only look good but are also easy to navigate, understand, and use.

The term “web design” or “web designer” can mean different things depending on the context. Web designers are UI designers who specialize in creating designs for websites.

In 2024, many web designers will also build websites they design using no-code tools like Webflow and Framer; this trend simply shows how the web designer's role has evolved with the advent of new technologies—more on that in the essential tools section of this guide.

Just have it at the back of your mind that calling yourself a web designer in 2024 also includes being able to build your designs with no-code tools, a skill previously exclusive to only web developers.

What Is UI/UX Design?

UI/UX design, short for User Interface/User Experience design,  focuses on creating visually appealing and functional interfaces for digital products. It involves understanding user behavior, creating intuitive layouts, and ensuring ease of use to enhance the overall user experience.

While web design is a specialization within UI/UX design focused on websites, UI/UX design encompasses a broader range of digital interfaces, including mobile apps, software, and other digital platforms.

The UI (User Interface) design side of things is concerned with the look and feel of the digital product, this includes elements like buttons, icons, and the overall visual design.

The UX (User Experience) design, on the other hand, focuses on the user's overall experience while interacting with the product, including usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction.

Together, they form the term “UI/UX Design”.

As a web designer, you are required to have a good grasp of UI/UX Design before diving into the specifics of web design. Understanding the principles of UI/UX design equips you with the knowledge to create user-centered websites that not only look great but also provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for users.

How To Learn Web Design

To learn web design, you need to grasp the fundamental concepts, principles, and standard practices of web development and learn to apply them effectively when building the UI/UX using various design tools.

Web design is a blend of creativity and technical skills, roughly broken down into 30% design concepts and 70% UI/UX skills.

To further simplify, you need to choose a design tool, master its features, and design as many websites as possible based on the principles of web design—the more projects you complete, the better a web designer you’ll become.


The most popular design tool currently is Figma, with over 4 million active users it’s a solid choice especially if you plan to work with a team; they offer an introductory course on using Figma to design a website which you can take here for free.

Once a design tool is chosen, the only remaining elements are the key concepts of web design, which we’ll discuss in the next section.

Note: there are many other design tools like Sketch and Adobe XD (obsolete), which some designers still prefer but Figma is simply the industry standard in 2024.

Key Concepts in Web Design

General design principles also apply to web design, but certain concepts are specific to this specialization. Just like newspapers and magazines have a standard structure and principles, so do websites.

In this section, we’ll explore each web design concept in depth and explain it as best we can, relying on real-life examples to make it easier to grasp.

With that said, let’s start with simplicity as it’s the most important of them all.


One of the key principles of general design is keeping things simple. This also applies to web design.

Simplicity, in this context, means featuring only necessary elements in your web design. While many bells and whistles (e.g., fancy animations, 3D loading screens, etc.) might seem like a good idea in the design phase, adding too many complex elements early on might overcomplicate a website during and after development.

A website design that does not follow a simplistic approach often leads to longer development time, complex and non-performant code, and the inclusion of heavy scripting libraries that affect load time and user experience.

For example, developers may use external libraries like GSAP (Greensock Animation Platform) for complex animations, which tend to affect website speed and performance. This is the reason many big brands like Nike, IBM, and Sony have simple websites.

The benefits of simple design include creating super fast and performant websites, reducing development time, maintaining a simpler codebase, enhancing user experience, and meeting perfect accessibility standards.

That said, the general rule of thumb when it comes to simplicity is to feature only what is necessary for the website user to navigate and achieve their goals efficiently.

Take Google's homepage, for example. The website's main purpose is to allow users to search for a query. The designer could have added many things to make it more appealing and impressive, but they chose to keep it simple and straight to the point.

The result? Faster load time and a clear user experience. At a glance, you’d think all you could do was type in words, but the designer cleverly integrated more than 10 different features in the simplest ways they could think of.

Take the image search feature for example. All a user has to do is click the image icon, and a separate UI loads up for that feature.

The non-simplistic way to design this same page would be to add separate UI elements for each feature. This would quickly overload the user with too many options leading to a poor user experience.

That said, there are certain scenarios where making a design less simple would benefit the user; a good example is in ecommerce.

Source: Amazon’s Homepage

When it comes to shopping and entertainment, user behavior is different compared to when visiting a search or business website. The more options a user has, the better the user experience.


Even in industries like e-commerce, it's still recommended to simplify your design using good whitespace, visual hierarchy, readable text, and an easy way to navigate through all the content provided on the screen.

Visual Hierarchy

If you’ve ever read a newspaper then you’ve probably experienced the power of visual hierarchy - take this image of a newspaper, what is the first thing you noticed?


Most likely “Post-Herald”, then “B. Everett Blaylock” followed by “Birmingham” - This was done intentionally by the designer using visual hierarchy.


To highlight what is most important to the reader; if all the text used the same size and font, it would be difficult for the reader's eyes to know where to start reading , what the headline is, and where it ends.

Here’s a bad example that shows just that.


In web design, visual hierarchy serves the same purpose: it’s an intentional roadmap for users, directing their attention to the most important elements and guiding them through the site's content.

Just as a newspaper headline stands out from the surrounding text, key elements on a webpage are strategically emphasized to capture the user's interest and convey essential information at a glance.

Size is a fundamental aspect of visual hierarchy. Larger elements naturally draw more attention and are perceived as more significant.

Through enlarging headings, buttons, or other essential elements, designers can ensure they catch the user's eye first and foremost, setting the tone for their browsing experience.

The main heading of every website is normally assigned a semantic tag of H1, headings under that are assigned H2 and the logic applies to subsequent headings - this way, even screen readers can easily know what to read out loud first and the order in which the website’s content is arranged.

The choice of font also plays a role, in establishing hierarchy. Eye-catching bold fonts can be used for headlines or calls to action while simpler and easier-to-read fonts are preferred for body text. Consistent use of fonts across the website helps maintain harmony and aids users in navigating content

Color serves as another tool for creating hierarchy. Bright or contrasting colors can make key elements stand out against the background whereas muted tones can indicate information. Designers strategically use color to draw attention to points and users focus where it's most needed.

Whitespace, which refers to the space between elements is also crucial in visual hierarchy. By allowing elements room to breathe with padding between sections designers avoid clutter and ensure each element stands out distinctly. Effective use of whitespace improves readability and makes site navigation easier for users.

By mastering principles such, as size, font selection, color usage, and whitespace management, designers can create websites that captivate users and effectively convey their message in the best way possible.


Navigability is arguably one of the most critical aspects of website design. It's the roadmap that guides users through a website, influencing their entire browsing experience.

Imagine landing on a website only to find yourself lost in a maze of confusing menus, hidden links, and broken buttons. That's the nightmare scenario of bad navigation, It's frustrating for users and detrimental to the website's goals.

Consider the example design below, there are over 21 menu items on the header added in a random order; when a user visits this site, there’s a high chance of feeling overwhelmed and confused when trying to navigate the site from the header.

A website’s navigation is supposed to be clear, and simple with only important links included, using design features such as dropdowns, a designer can effectively simplify site navigation by structuring menu items based on category.

For example, instead of listing out all News taxonomies on the header navigation, we can group them into one menu item called “News” and the taxonomies to a dropdown assigned to it.

Bad navigation can lead to a plethora of issues. Users may struggle to find the information they need, resulting in high bounce rates and low engagement.

It can also impact SEO, as search engine crawlers rely on clear navigation paths to index content effectively.

Accessibility is another concern, as users with disabilities may face even greater challenges navigating a poorly designed website.

So, what’s the general rule of thumb for creating good navigation?

First off, simplicity is key.

Keep menus concise and intuitive, avoiding unnecessary clutter or jargon.

Secondly, consistency breeds familiarity.

Maintain uniformity in navigation elements across the website to ensure a seamless user experience. Users should know what to expect and where to find essential links.

Thirdly, prioritize hierarchy.

Arrange navigation items logically, with the most important pages easily accessible from the homepage. Consider employing dropdown menus or categorization for complex websites to streamline navigation without overwhelming users.

It's important to recognize that navigation requirements vary depending on the type of website being designed.


E-commerce platforms, for instance, often feature complex navigation structures to accommodate extensive product categories and filtering options.

On the other hand, simple landing pages or business websites benefit more from clear-cut navigation that swiftly guides visitors to key information or actions.

Source: Coca-Cola

By understanding the unique needs of each website type and adhering to fundamental navigation principles, designers can create user-friendly interfaces that enhance engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, the website's success.


Consistency is a cornerstone of effective design, playing a pivotal role in creating a cohesive and intuitive user experience.

When reading a book, each new chapter text normally begins with the same font size, margin settings, and spacing. This predictable structure helps you navigate the content effortlessly.

Consider this image of a page from a book:


Notice how the uniformity in typography and layout guides your reading flow, allowing you to focus on the content rather than figuring out how to read it.

Why is this important?

Consistency ensures that users don’t have to relearn how to interact with different parts of your website. It minimizes confusion and creates a seamless experience, making your site more user-friendly and professional.

In web design, maintaining consistency involves using the same color schemes, fonts, and button styles throughout your site. This uniformity reassures users, providing them with familiar visual cues and improving navigation.

Color schemes should be applied consistently to reinforce brand identity. For instance, if your brand colors are blue and white, using these colors consistently for buttons, headings, and links will create a unified look.

Fonts should also be standardized. A site using one font for headings and another for body text, without frequent changes, will look more polished and be easier to read. Consistent font usage helps maintain visual coherence and readability.

Button styles are another critical element. Consistent button shapes, sizes, and colors across your site ensure users recognize clickable elements immediately, enhancing their interaction with your site.

Consistency extends to spacing as well. Consistent use of margins, padding, and alignment helps create a balanced and organized layout. This uniformity makes your site visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Ultimately, consistency in design fosters a predictable and user-friendly environment. By adhering to consistent design principles, you create a more engaging, efficient, and enjoyable experience for your users, ensuring they can focus on your content without unnecessary distractions.


Responsiveness in web design is the ability of a website to adapt its layout and content to different screen sizes and devices.

In 2024, this responsiveness is crucial as users access websites from a multitude of devices. Ensuring a seamless user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones is essential.

But when we say responsive, what does that mean in practical terms?

When you visit a website and the full width of its webpage extends beyond the viewport of your device, that website is said to be unresponsive.

As a user, you’ll be expected to scroll sideways to see the entire content as all layouts will only display what’s possible on your screen.

This makes for a terrible user experience and is the reason search engines like Google penalize websites that don’t comply with the responsiveness guidelines.

So, how do you solve this as a web designer?

The Grid Design System.

The grid system is the most effective way to achieve responsive design. This system divides the layout into rows and columns, creating a flexible structure that adjusts based on screen size.

Design tools like Figma have the grid feature as well as other design systems like Flexbox built into their product, mastering the grid system is vital for web UI designers as it provides a consistent framework, making it easier to align elements and maintain a balanced design.

As a web designer, you’re expected to create several versions of a website for different viewports. The design made for a desktop would simply not work on a mobile device due to viewport size differences.

That said, this isn’t always a difficult task especially if you use systems like the grid. It would only be a matter of stacking and resizing elements of your design, here’s a table showing all the main device viewports to be mindful of in 2024.

Device Category


Resolution (px)

Viewport Width (px)


iPhone 14 Pro

2556 x 1179



Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

3088 x 1440



Google Pixel 7

2400 x 1080



OnePlus 11

3216 x 1440



iPad Pro 12.9"

2732 x 2048



Samsung Galaxy Tab S8

2560 x 1600



Microsoft Surface Pro 9

2880 x 1920



Amazon Fire HD 10

1920 x 1200



MacBook Pro 16"

3456 x 2234



Dell XPS 13

3840 x 2400



HP Spectre x360 14

3000 x 2000



Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon

2560 x 1600



iMac 24"

4480 x 2520



Dell UltraSharp 32"

3840 x 2160



LG UltraFine 5K 27"

5120 x 2880



Samsung Odyssey G9 49"

5120 x 1440


Now, just because there are so many viewports doesn’t mean you have to design for all of them, focusing on a few key breakpoints can ensure your website looks great on all devices.

Typically, you should prioritize only 1024-1440px (laptops & desktops), 768-1024px (tablets), and 320-480px (mobile phones).

For the other viewports, most web developers implement the necessary CSS properties to allow your design to adapt perfectly.

That’s why the grid system is so important, it allows for fluid layouts that can adapt by stacking when on smaller viewports and expanding when on larger.


Just like we covered the importance of simplicity, visual hierarchy, navigability, and consistency, accessibility is another fundamental aspect that ensures everyone, including people with disabilities, can effectively use the websites you design. This not only expands a website’s user base but also shows a commitment to inclusivity and adherence to legal standards.

When thinking about accessibility, consider how color contrast can affect usability.

For instance, ensuring that text stands out against background colors isn't just about aesthetics—it's vital for users with visual impairments.

Good Contrast:

Bad Contrast:

High contrast, like black text on a white background, can help those with low vision engage with your content more comfortably.

Making sure you use readable font families also contributes to better accessibility, especially for people who can’t read stylized writing.

Navigability, a critical aspect we discussed earlier, also ties directly into accessibility.

Imagine navigating a website using only a keyboard—this is a daily reality for many people with motor disabilities.

By designing your UI to be navigable by keyboard, you make it easier for everyone to use, not just those who rely on traditional input devices. Ensure that all interactive elements, such as links and form fields, are accessible via keyboard shortcuts (you can show this in your web design prototype - figma has this feature).

Visual elements, such as images, should always include alternative text (alt text). This allows screen readers to describe images to users who cannot see them.

For example, alt text for a button might read "submit form button," clarifying its function. This simple addition ensures that all information conveyed through visuals is accessible to everyone.

Dynamic content and advanced controls often use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) labels. These enhance accessibility significantly, especially for content that changes without a page reload.

Using ARIA labels helps people who rely on assistive technology to understand what's happening on the page, making the content more usable.

Consistency in navigation, as we previously highlighted, also plays a huge role in accessibility.

If your website's layout and navigation are predictable, it's much easier for users, particularly those with cognitive disabilities, to learn and navigate the site.

Keeping a consistent structure across pages reduces user confusion and improves the overall user experience.

Providing feedback for errors is another area where thoughtful design can make a big difference.

For example, if someone enters an incorrect date format, your site should not only flag the error but also suggest a correction.

Clear communication helps users correct mistakes without frustration, making your site more accessible.

Accessibility for forms is straightforward. They should have clear labels that are directly associated with their respective form controls, so screen readers can accurately convey what each field is for. This makes forms usable for people with cognitive impairments and those using screen readers.

Finally, responsive and flexible layouts, as discussed under responsiveness, ensure your design works well on a range of devices, including those used by people with disabilities. Using responsive design techniques like the grid system helps create a consistent experience across assistive technologies.

By weaving these accessibility features into the fabric of your website design, you create a more inclusive digital environment.

Remember, good design is accessible design—it considers the full range of human diversity and ensures everyone can participate fully.

Common Website Structures

To design a high-functioning and user-friendly website, it's essential to understand the basic components that make up its structure. There are some common web layouts every designer should know about in web design.

These layouts are easily noticeable across websites and work together to create a seamless and intuitive user experience. This section will explore the most common website structures, explaining their roles and importance in web design.


The header is the top section of a website, typically containing the logo, site name, and primary navigation links. It often stays consistent across all pages, providing users with easy access to the main areas of the site.


The footer is located at the bottom of a website and usually contains links to important but less frequently accessed pages, such as the privacy policy, terms of service, contact information, and social media links. It often provides a consistent way to access this information from any page on the site.

Main Content Area

The main content area is where the bulk of the website's information is displayed. This section changes depending on the page and typically includes text, images, videos, and other media related to the page's topic.


A sidebar is an additional column of content, often placed to the left or right of the main content area. It can contain supplementary information, links to related content, advertisements, or widgets like search bars and social media feeds.

Navigation Bar (Navbar)

The navigation bar, or navbar, is a crucial element for guiding users through the website. It usually appears near the top of the page and includes links to the most important sections, helping users quickly find the information they need.

Hero Section

The hero section is a prominent, eye-catching area at the top of the homepage, featuring a large image or video, a headline, and a call to action. It's designed to grab visitors' attention and convey the main message or value proposition of the website.

Call to Action (CTA)

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt for users to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. CTAs are strategically placed throughout the site to drive user engagement and conversions.

Forms (Contact, Sign-Up)

Forms are interactive elements that allow users to input information. Common types include contact forms, sign-up forms, and feedback forms. They are essential for collecting user data and facilitating communication between the website and its visitors.

Blog/Article Section

A blog or article section is a dedicated area for publishing articles, news, or updates. This section helps keep the website's content fresh and engaging, providing valuable information to visitors and improving the site's SEO.


A gallery or portfolio showcases images, videos, or other media, often used by artists, photographers, and businesses to display their work. It provides a visual representation of their products, services, or projects.


Testimonials and reviews are user-generated content that provides social proof of the quality and value of the website's offerings. They help build trust and credibility by showcasing positive feedback from customers or clients.

Search Bar

A search bar is a tool that allows users to quickly find specific content on the website by entering keywords or phrases. It enhances the user experience by making it easier to locate information without navigating through multiple pages.


Breadcrumbs are a secondary navigation aid showing users their location within the site's hierarchy. They provide a trail of links back to the homepage, helping users understand the site's structure and easily navigate to previous sections.

Popup Modals

Popup modals are overlay windows that appear on top of the main content, often used for special announcements, promotions, or important messages. They can also be used for login/registration forms, CTAs, and alerts to grab users' attention.

Web Design Standards and Best Practices

Just like every other field, website design and development also have standards and best practices developed from decades of research and data, these standards when adhered to ensure websites are made in the best way possible.

So, what do these website standards encompass?

They include guidelines for usability, user experience (UX), responsive design, performance, visual design, content structure, SEO, security, cross-browser compatibility, and consistency.

While the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets these technical standards for web development, web design standards focus on implementing them at the design phase of websites.

As a web designer, it's important to review and be able to apply the W3C standards in all your work; this is especially true in 2024 where web design roles are evolving to include basic frontend development with no-code tools like Webflow and WordPress.

Considering this,

What Are These Web Design Standards?

Web design standards refer to norms and models for web page layouts and UX features. These standards provide guidelines for usability, ensuring that websites are easy to navigate, accessible to all users, and consistent in the design phase.

By adhering to these standards, designers can create designs that make it easier for developers to implement the W3C standards during development.

Note that we’ve already talked about some of these standards in previous sections but not definitively. Let's delve into specific principles that should guide every web designer's approach:

Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy guides users through your content in order of importance. Use size, color, and typography to highlight key elements. Larger elements draw more attention, and contrasting colors can emphasize important information. A well-designed hierarchy makes it easier for users to scan and understand your content.

How to Implement: Start by defining the primary, secondary, and tertiary elements of your page.

Use larger fonts and bolder colors for primary elements like headings and CTAs. Utilize whitespace to separate different sections and make the layout less cluttered.

Apply smaller fonts and subtler colors for secondary and tertiary elements, ensuring that the most important information stands out.

Mobile-First Design

Given that over half of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices, starting with a mobile-first design approach is essential.

This means designing your mobile site first and then scaling up for larger screens. Everything, from your layout to images and videos, needs to be responsive and effectively convey your message on smaller screens.

How to Implement: Start by designing crucial elements for mobile screens, ensuring accessibility and functionality.

Simplify navigation with a clean, intuitive layout, and optimize images and videos for quick loading on smaller screens.

Use responsive design techniques like flexible grids and media queries to adapt content to various screen sizes. Test on different mobile devices to identify and fix issues.

Once the mobile design is solid, enhance it for larger screens with more complex layouts and features. This mobile-first approach ensures your website is optimized for the majority of users.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Accessibility goes beyond catering to users with disabilities; it involves making your site easier and more intuitive for all visitors.

This includes localization for different languages, accommodating various reading conventions, and following established accessibility guidelines like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.1. Using features like Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) can also enhance accessibility.

How to Implement: Adhere to WCAG 2.1 guidelines to enhance accessibility and inclusivity in your design. Ensure that images have text alternatives, making content accessible to screen readers and users with visual impairments.

Design with keyboard accessibility in mind, enabling users to navigate the interface without a mouse. Prioritize readable text by choosing appropriate fonts, sizes, and color contrasts to improve legibility for all users.

Additionally, leverage localization tools to translate your design's content into multiple languages. This not only broadens your reach to a global audience but also optimizes the design for different demographics, ensuring that the user experience remains consistent and effective across diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.


Micro-interactions provide feedback, guide users, and add a touch of delight to the user experience.

They include elements like buttons that change on hover, real-time form validation, and progress indicators. These small details make interactions more intuitive and engaging.

How to Implement: Incorporate micro-interactions in key areas like form submissions and button clicks to enhance user experience. Use subtle animations, such as a loading spinner for form submissions and a brief animation for button clicks, to provide immediate feedback.

Ensure these interactions are smooth, engaging, and aligned with your overall design. Keep animations simple and unobtrusive to avoid distractions, making the user experience more intuitive and responsive.

Dark Mode

Dark mode reduces eye strain and fatigue, especially in low-light environments. It offers a modern aesthetic and can highlight key elements on your website.

Many users prefer dark mode, making it a valuable addition to your design options.

How to Implement: Design a dark theme that complements your existing design. Use darker backgrounds with lighter text and accents.

Ensure sufficient contrast for readability and accessibility. Test all elements, such as images and icons, to ensure they look good in dark mode.

Provide an easy toggle for users to switch between light and dark modes based on their preference.

Minimalistic and Clean Design

Embrace simplicity by using clean layouts, ample white space, and concise content. A minimalist approach helps focus visitors' attention on essential elements, improving the overall user experience. The KIS (Keep It Simple) principle is key here.

How to Implement: Focus on essential elements and remove unnecessary ones. Use generous white space to create a balanced and uncluttered design. Stick to a simple color palette and a limited set of fonts. Prioritize readability and ease of navigation, ensuring that each element serves a clear purpose.

Fast Loading Speed

Optimizing your website to load quickly is crucial for retaining visitors and reducing bounce rates. Users have little patience for slow-loading pages. Utilize tools to optimize images to achieve fast load times.

How to Implement: Prioritize a clean, minimalistic design to reduce visual clutter. Use optimized, high-quality images that are appropriately sized for various devices.

Choose lightweight fonts and avoid using too many different font styles. Simplify your design elements and ensure your layout is efficient, focusing on essential content.

Incorporate "load more" buttons to lazy load additional content, such as images, only when needed. Add sliders to initially load necessary content, with more loading as users interact.

By planning these features during the design phase, developers will have fewer issues implementing faster loading speeds.[a][b]

Error Handling

Design informative error messages to guide users when something goes wrong. Providing clear instructions and solutions helps reduce frustration and improves the overall user experience.

How to Implement: Create custom error pages that match your site's design. Design clear instructions on how users can resolve the issue.

Use friendly, concise language to explain the problem and suggest solutions. Test your error messages to ensure they are helpful and informative.

Incorporate elements like a search bar or links to commonly used pages to help users quickly navigate away from the error.

Seamless Navigation

Easy navigation is critical for a positive user experience. Create a logical hierarchy for your website's pages and ensure multiple navigation options, including primary and footer menus, breadcrumbs, and search functionality. Clear, intuitive navigation helps users find what they’re looking for quickly.

How to Implement: Develop a clear sitemap and use wireframes to plan your navigation. Ensure your navigation elements are consistently placed and easy to use.

Incorporate breadcrumbs to show users their location within the site and facilitate easy backtracking.

Include a search bar in a prominent location to help users find specific content quickly. Maintain a consistent design for navigation elements across all pages for a cohesive user experience.

Consistent Branding

Consistency in branding reinforces your identity and builds trust with users. Use a consistent color palette, typography, and style across all pages. This uniformity helps create a cohesive and professional appearance, making your site more recognizable and reliable.

How to Implement: Develop a style guide that outlines your brand's colors, fonts, and design elements. Ensure all team members adhere to this guide.

Include guidelines for logo usage, imagery, and tone of voice to ensure every element aligns with your brand identity. Periodically audit your site to catch any deviations and make necessary adjustments.

Regular Updates

Keep your website design current by regularly updating content and design elements. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and user preferences ensures your site remains relevant and engaging.

By integrating these web design standards and best practices, you can create a website that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and accessible to a broad audience. Prioritizing user experience and following these guidelines will help you build a successful online presence.

Popular Web Design Systems

A design system is a comprehensive set of guidelines, components, and tools that help teams create consistent, high-quality user interfaces across different platforms and devices.

Design systems streamline the design and development process by providing reusable components, standardized styles, and clear documentation.

They ensure that everyone involved in a project, from designers to developers, works from the same playbook, resulting in cohesive and efficient user experiences.

As a web designer, it's crucial to understand and be able to work with design systems as many companies utilize design systems to maintain consistency across their products and streamline their design and development processes.

Design systems are like style guides but more advanced because they include more than just styles; they encompass a holistic approach to UI/UX design. Being proficient with design systems saves time and is a game changer when working in a team setting, as it ensures that everyone is on the same page and adheres to the same standards.

Here are some of the most popular web design systems used by leading organizations:

Google’s Material Design

Material Design is a design system developed by Google that provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and components for creating visually consistent and intuitive user interfaces.

It emphasizes the use of shadows, depth, and animation to mimic the physical world. Material Design components are available for various platforms, including web, Android, and iOS.

Key Features:

  • Extensive library of UI components
  • Guidelines for motion, interaction, and layout
  • Tools for designing and prototyping

Adobe’s Spectrum

Spectrum is Adobe's design system that offers a unified framework for creating consistent and harmonious user experiences across all Adobe products.

Spectrum includes guidelines for typography, color, icons, and components, ensuring a cohesive look and feel.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive design guidelines
  • Reusable UI components
  • Accessibility considerations

IBM’s Carbon Design System

Carbon Design System is IBM's open-source design system for creating consistent digital experiences across all IBM products.

Carbon provides detailed guidelines and components for building responsive, accessible, and user-friendly interfaces.

Key Features:

  • Modular and flexible components
  • Extensive documentation and guidelines
  • Emphasis on accessibility and performance

Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines

Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) by Apple provides best practices and design principles for creating user interfaces on Apple platforms, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. HIG emphasizes clarity, deference, and depth to create intuitive and engaging user experiences.

Key Features:

  • Platform-specific guidelines and components
  • Design principles for creating intuitive interfaces
  • Examples and templates

The Atlassian Design System

Atlassian Design System offers a cohesive set of design guidelines and components for creating consistent user experiences across Atlassian products like Jira and Confluence. It provides tools for both designers and developers to collaborate effectively.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive UI components and patterns
  • Detailed documentation and design principles
  • Tools for Design and Development Collaboration

GitLab Pajamas

Pajamas Design System is GitLab’s design system, aimed at ensuring a cohesive user experience across all of GitLab's products. It includes guidelines for design principles, components, and accessibility, facilitating consistent design and development.

Key Features:

  • Modular components and patterns
  • Guidelines for accessibility and responsiveness
  • Integrated with GitLab’s development workflow

Salesforce’s Lightning Design System

Lightning Design System
(LDS) by Salesforce provides guidelines and components for building applications on the Salesforce platform. LDS focuses on delivering a consistent user experience across Salesforce products and services.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive component library
  • Design tokens for consistency
  • Guidelines for accessibility and performance

Microsoft’s Fluent Design System

Fluent Design System by Microsoft provides a framework for creating engaging and immersive user experiences across all Microsoft products and platforms. Fluent emphasizes the use of light, depth, motion, and material to create fluid and intuitive interfaces.

Key Features:

  • Detailed guidelines for design and interaction
  • Cross-platform components
  • Emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity

Shopify’s Polaris

Polaris is Shopify’s design system that provides the guidelines and components necessary to create a cohesive and intuitive user experience across Shopify's ecosystem. It includes detailed documentation for both designers and developers.

Key Features:

  • Extensive component library
  • Clear guidelines for design and development
  • Focus on accessibility and performance

The Uber Design System Base Web

Base Web
is Uber’s design system, offering a robust set of tools and components for building web applications.

Base Web focuses on creating scalable and maintainable user interfaces with a strong emphasis on performance and accessibility.

Key Features:

  • Highly customizable components
  • Comprehensive documentation and guidelines
  • Built-in accessibility features

By leveraging these design systems, web designers can ensure that their products are not only visually consistent and aesthetically pleasing but also accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to develop.

Each system provides a unique set of tools and guidelines tailored to the specific needs of the organization, making it easier to create high-quality digital experiences.

Essential Tools for Web Designers

Web designers in 2024 are navigating a landscape that's drastically different from what it once was, thanks largely to the rise of no-code tools. Gone are the days when extensive coding knowledge was a prerequisite for crafting cutting-edge websites.

Notably, web designers are no longer just designing; they're also playing a significant role in developing websites. Thanks to the rise of no-code tools, designers can bring their visions to life without needing to write extensive code.

Let's dive into the tools that are shaping the industry in 2024, from the staple design tools to the revolutionary no-code platforms.


Figma is a collaborative, cloud-based design tool that has become a favorite among designers for its ability to enable real-time collaboration. It’s perfect for creating everything from simple wireframes to detailed prototypes.

The strength of Figma lies in its browser-based interface, which means no installations are needed, and its real-time collaboration features allow multiple users to work on a design simultaneously. This makes it incredibly effective for teams spread across different locations.

However, because it's resource-intensive, it can slow down on lower-end hardware, and being cloud-based means an internet connection is necessary for full functionality.

Getting started with Figma is easy thanks to its free plan and extensive tutorials available on its site. Figma is widely adopted in the industry, making it a valuable skill for any designer.

Knowing Figma can open doors to opportunities in startups, tech companies, and design agencies. It’s relatively easy to learn, especially for those with prior experience with design tools, and most users can become proficient within a few weeks of consistent use.


Sketch is a vector-based design tool known for its simplicity and powerful features tailored specifically for UI/UX design. Available only for macOS, it’s a favorite among Apple users.

Sketch is user-friendly and has an easier learning curve. With regular practice, proficiency can be achieved within a month. Its intuitive interface and powerful vector editing tools make it ideal for creating high-fidelity designs and prototypes.

However, its Mac-only availability limits accessibility for designers using other operating systems, and it lacks built-in real-time collaboration features.

Sketch offers a free trial, and numerous online tutorials and community resources help new users get up to speed. It's highly regarded in the design industry, particularly in agencies and companies with a strong design culture.

Adobe XD (Now Obsolete)

Adobe XD was part of the Adobe Creative Suite, offering robust tools for designing and prototyping user experiences.

It integrated seamlessly with other Adobe products, making it an excellent choice for designers already entrenched in the Adobe ecosystem.

Adobe XD supported both vector and raster graphics and provided a comprehensive suite of prototyping features.

However, on June 22, 2023, Adobe discontinued XD due to its unsuccessful bid to acquire Figma. As a result, Adobe XD is now considered obsolete until further notice.

Despite its discontinuation, Adobe XD was one of the top three design tools, alongside Figma and Sketch, for over half a decade. Because of its widespread use, you might still encounter Adobe XD in legacy projects and certain established workflows.

While Adobe XD is no longer actively developed or supported, understanding its features and capabilities remains valuable for those transitioning projects to other platforms or maintaining existing systems.

If you're familiar with Adobe XD, adapting to other design tools like Figma or Sketch should be relatively smooth, given the similar foundational principles these tools share.


Webflow is a game-changer for designers who want to build responsive websites without learning to code. It provides the flexibility to design custom layouts and interactions, and once you're done, it generates clean, semantic code that can be published directly or exported.

Webflow combines design, animation, and CMS features, making it a robust platform for comprehensive website projects.

However, it has a steeper learning curve compared to other no-code tools and can be overwhelming for complete beginners. Webflow offers a free plan to start building, along with comprehensive tutorials and a supportive community forum.

It's gaining traction rapidly, with many startups and small to mid-sized companies looking for Webflow designers and developers. The learning curve is moderate to steep and depending on your familiarity with web design concepts, It can take 6-12 months to become highly proficient.


Framer is a versatile tool known for its ability to design and develop high-quality interactive websites. Often described as a hybrid between Webflow and Figma, Framer combines the best of both worlds by offering powerful design capabilities alongside robust development features.

Framer stands out for its detailed animation features, which can bring a website to life with sophisticated interactions and smooth transitions. This makes it a favorite among designers who prioritize creating engaging and dynamic user experiences.

To help new users get started, Framer offers a free plan along with numerous tutorials and templates. Its strong community support and comprehensive resources make the learning process more manageable.

Framer is particularly popular among designers who focus on interactions and animations, and it's companies that prioritize high-quality user experiences.

While the learning curve can be steep, especially for those new to the tool, consistent practice can lead to proficiency within a few months.

Mastering Framer’s advanced features may take longer, but the payoff is a powerful capability to create visually stunning and highly interactive websites.


Wix is one of the most user-friendly website builders, perfect for quickly creating beautiful websites without any coding knowledge. It offers a wide range of templates and a drag-and-drop interface, which simplifies the design process.

While it’s extremely easy to use, it offers less design flexibility compared to Webflow and Framer and isn’t as scalable for large, complex projects.

Wix offers a free plan, making it easy to start building immediately. Their extensive help center provides step-by-step guides. It’s ideal for small businesses, freelancers, and personal projects.

While not as popular in the no-code website builder market as some other tools, it’s perfect for quick, effective web presence setups. Learning Wix is very easy, with most users able to create a website within a few days.


Squarespace is known for its beautifully designed templates and ease of use. It’s great for creatives and small business owners who want a polished online presence.

Squarespace offers high-quality templates and an intuitive interface, but it provides less flexibility for custom designs and can be expensive over time.

Squarespace offers a free trial, and their extensive documentation and video tutorials make it easy to get started. It’s popular among creatives, artists, and small business owners.

It’s a great tool for those needing a stylish website without heavy customization. Learning Squarespace is easy to moderate, with most users becoming comfortable with the platform within a week or two.

Other Tools You Should Know About


While not a traditional web design tool, Canva is fantastic for creating quick graphics, mockups, and elements that can be used on websites. It’s user-friendly and accessible, making it perfect for quick tasks that don’t require heavy-duty design software.

Canva is extremely user-friendly, with an extensive library of templates and assets, making it great for quick graphic design tasks. Canva offers a free plan, and getting started is as simple as signing up and exploring the intuitive interface.

It’s widely used by marketers, small business owners, and anyone needing quick and easy graphic design. It’s not typically a standalone tool for professional web designers but complements other tools well.

Learning Canva is very easy, with most users able to create basic designs within a few hours.


Great for prototyping, InVision allows designers to create interactive mockups for their designs. It’s beneficial for user testing and for getting feedback from clients or team members.

InVision is excellent for prototypes and has strong collaboration features that integrate well with other design tools. However, it’s important to note that InVision does not have built-in design capabilities; it requires you to import designs from other tools like Figma and those in the Adobe suite.

Additionally, while it offers excellent features, it can be costly for larger teams.

InVision offers a free plan for individual users, with comprehensive tutorials available on their website. It’s popular in larger design teams and agencies, making it a valuable tool for collaborative projects.

The learning curve is moderate, and familiarity with other design tools helps. The collaboration features can be learned within a few days.

Adobe Photoshop

Sometimes, you just need to go back to basics. Adobe Photoshop remains crucial for photo editing and creating complex graphics that require a more detailed touch.

Photoshop offers powerful photo editing capabilities and an extensive toolset for graphic design. It’s widely used and considered industry-standard, but it has a steep learning curve and is subscription-based.

It’s a staple in almost every design-related job, making it an essential skill for web designers. The learning curve is steep, especially for those new to design software, but many basic functions can be learned within a few weeks, with advanced features taking months to master.

Pricing Websites as a Designer

In 2024, pricing your web design services can be tricky, especially with the industry's rapid evolution. Whether you're a freelancer or part of an agency, setting the right price involves more than just picking a number.

It’s about understanding your worth, the project scope, and the best payment model for you and your clients.

Let’s break down the essential factors to consider, along with some handy estimated costs to guide you.

Experience and Expertise

Your experience plays a big role in how much you can charge. If you’re just starting, you might set your rates between $25 and $50 per hour.

As you gain more experience and build a solid portfolio, your rates can increase to $75-$150 per hour or even higher as experienced designers have the skills to tackle complex projects, justifying higher rates.

Overall, consider your cost of living (which varies by location), the expense of design tools, and the standard rates charged by other designers in your area.

Project Scope

The scope of a project is a major factor in pricing. A simple informational website might cost between $1,000 and $5,000, while a more complex e-commerce platform or custom web application can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more.

Understanding the project’s requirements and complexity helps in setting a fair price.

A good way to determine pricing based on scope is to calculate how much time it would take to design the features of a design, and also consider the time spent on revisions, meetings, and additional requests.

Utilizing No-Code Tools

No-code tools like Webflow and Wix have revolutionized web design, making it easier to build professional websites quickly. These tools can reduce development time and costs, but they still require design expertise.

Depending on the customization and functionality needed, websites built with no-code tools can range from $1,000 to $10,000. The efficiency and capabilities of these tools often justify a higher price.

So, if as a designer, you’re tasked with developing your work using a Nocode tool; consider charging even more depending on the project’s scope.

Client Requirements

Custom features and specific client requests can add to the project's complexity and cost.

For example, designing the workflow for integrating custom APIs or designing unique e-commerce features might add an additional $2,000 to $10,000 to the project cost.

Clear communication with clients about their needs ensures accurate pricing and helps avoid scope creep.

Web Design Pricing Models

Choosing the right payment model can make the pricing process smoother for both you and your clients. Here are a few popular options:

  • Hourly Rate: Charging by the hour is straightforward and flexible, especially for ongoing projects. Hourly rates typically range from $25 to $150+ depending on your experience and the project's complexity.
  • Fixed Price: For well-defined projects with clear deliverables, setting a total project cost upfront is beneficial. For instance, a small business website might be quoted at $3,000, while a comprehensive corporate website could be quoted at $20,000.
  • Retainer: A retainer arrangement involves the client paying a set fee monthly for ongoing work or maintenance. This provides stable income and fosters long-term collaboration. Retainers can range from $500 to $5,000 per month, depending on the scope of services.
  • Milestone Payments: Breaking down the project into stages or milestones, with payments due upon completion of each stage, helps manage cash flow and keeps both parties committed to the timeline. For example, a project might be divided into three milestones, each costing $5,000.

By considering these factors and choosing the right payment model, you can establish pricing structures that reflect your value, cover your costs, and meet client expectations. This approach will lead to successful and profitable projects, ensuring both you and your clients are happy with the results.

Common Web Design Questions

What is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Web design focuses on the visual aspects and user experience of a website, including layout, color schemes, and typography.

Web development, on the other hand, involves coding and building the functional aspects of the website, such as server-side scripting, database integration, and front-end and back-end development.

How Long Does It Take to Design a Website?

The timeline for designing a website varies based on its complexity. A simple website can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, while more complex sites like e-commerce platforms can take several months.

Factors such as the designer's workload, client feedback, and the need for custom features can also affect the timeline.

Do I Need to Know How to Code to Design Websites?

No, you don’t need to know how to code to design websites, especially with the advent of no-code tools like Webflow, Wix, and Squarespace.

These platforms allow you to create professional websites using drag-and-drop interfaces, templates, and customizable elements without writing any code.


And there you have it! From fundamental principles to essential tools and pricing strategies, we've covered a lot of ground. Web design has come a long way since the early days of the internet, and mastering it in 2024 means staying updated, experimenting, and continually learning.

Remember, web design isn't just about making things look good—it's about creating seamless, user-friendly experiences. Whether you're using no-code tools like Webflow or diving deep into responsive design, your work as a designer is crucial in shaping how people interact with the web.

Keep pushing your boundaries, stay curious, and enjoy the creative process. Each project is a new opportunity to learn and innovate. Thanks for reading, and happy designing!

Developer & Marketer
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024
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